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HEAL Summer Jazz Camp 2024

July 29 - August 2, 2024

Pictured above: HEAL's 2023 Summer Jazz Camp Showcase

about heal's Jazz Summer Jazz Camp 

“HEAL Center for the Arts” is hosting a one (1) week summer jazz camp July 29 through August 2, 2024 from 9am-3:15pm. Students participating in this camp will be taught a rigorous curriculum that will be presented asynchronously through our digital course materials. Students will have the opportunity to focus on historical, theoretical and practical concepts that will stimulate and enhance their artistic abilities, preparing them to be dominant competitors for college scholarships and/or arts employment.



Our goal is to offer life changing artistic experiences to all students especially those of urban communities. We endeavor to equip our students with the skills and mindset to be creators and producers of meaningful art. 



The purpose of this camp is to direct and develop young passionate artists to be innovative, studious, and informed about the history and culture of the musical genres and styles that they are studying. We believe that this approach is focused and balanced. It will ultimately enable our students to create meaningful art that will positively influence the way in which our society thinks, and feels. 


The following is a list of courses that students can expect to engage in. Such courses will address the fundamental concepts needed to assist students with mastering and sustaining their art.


A. Music Theory

B. Jazz Combos

C. Marketing/Content Creation

D. Jazz Dance 

E. Live Sound Techniques

And much more!!


This year, camp will be held in HEAL's new space in Central Stage.

HEAL Center for the Arts at Central Stage

3524 Washington Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63103


Students are encouraged to bring their own lunch, and snack.

Interested? Register Here!

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3524 Washington Avenue 

St. Louis, MO 63103

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